Sunday, November 15, 2009

5 Ways astronomy can help you to live according to Age 100

You also need not far to see books, blogs, and all types of health gurus say the latest way that you could live for 100 years.

Meditation. Exercise. The "Okinawa Diet". De-stress. Keep your mind active, and so on. All good ideas, no doubt.

But it has me thinking stargazing ... does not help you live a healthy life a person deserves to live the last 100 years ... and beyond?

Hmmm ... makes us think. Stargazing can help you live a longer life? Let's see ... Here are five things you can do for astronomy that are present, with the advice of the gurus of health ...

1. Build Muscle Mass
Scientific studies of longevity is the preservation of muscle mass and bone density may help you live longer and enjoy the years are still available. Makes sense. While the amateur astronomy is not exactly the decathlon, it takes a little muscle to move your telescope and mount around the farm, or insert your favorite dark-sky observing site.

So do not think about setting up your business every night like a chore ... Think of it as a healthy workout.

And if you have small telescope, you tell your spouse, you must register for a general, because improving good for your health. Hey ... It's worth a try ...!

2. Do not be a loner
The latter seems to be one of the most important: good relations are essential to a long and healthy life.

As a hobby or profession, may individually or astronomy as sociable as you want it. It's nice to sit alone in a telescope, and think of the stars from time to time, it's much more fun to share your fun with others. If you're already at a star party or gathering of local amateur astronomers, you know what I mean. The positive energy of dozens or hundreds of people who share what they love is contagious. At the end of the night, you're tired, but happy.

There are many attractive opportunities to make contacts and build friendships for your interest in the night sky. Enjoy them if you can.

3. Manage Your Stress
Apparently the fun, good for you. Really good. This applies not only to deal with stress, it causes your cells to enkelytin also a natural antibiotic release called. The pleasure of chocolate, coffee or a glass of good whiskey can serve as self-medication.

Life is only sometimes, is not it?

And there is not much better than looking at the night sky and find your way to one of thousands of beautiful things to expect that all the test every night. If it makes you happy, it can not be that bad.

4. Healthy eating
If nothing else, the stars stay out of bed, TV, and a bowl full of junk food. And you do not want his fingers in a bag of Cheetos before dealing with a $ 400 eyepiece. Optical purposes and fatty snacks do not mix.

5. Exercise your brain
Cognitive studies show that can boost your mental power a strong effect on the brain that drugs used for dementia. For an amateur astronomer, there are endless possibilities for deep thoughts ... from learning to understand a diagram to show how stars form in order to find out how to make a really good picture of the night sky.

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